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UBC Mathematics: MathNet FAQ [UBC Zoom Account]

UBC Mathematics: MathNet FAQ [UBC Zoom Account]

Question: How do i apply for UBC Zoom Video Conferencing Account?
Date: Aug 31, 2020


UBC has a campus-wide license for Zoom as a platform for delivering courses online and larger meetings. Zoom is an easy-to-use video conferencing platform that offers a wide range of features.

Documentation and References

Getting Started

  • To Request a Zoom account: Email av.helpdesk(at) with:
    • Your UBC email address (How do i apply for UBC FASmail mailbox?)
      *Note: Even though it is not a requirement to request for UBC Zoom account but it helps your colleague to find you from UBC directory.
    • Your Faculty and Department
    • The number of attendees expected (*Default is about 250 attendees)