UBC Mathematics: Why your Email was rejected.
Banned attachments
Your Email has a attachment with a banned extension:
Attachment: xxx.exe
Extension: .exe
Our mail server rejects Email with attachments that have the following characteristics:
- Ends in extensions:
.ade .adp .ani .app .asp .bas .bat .cer .chm .cla .class
.cmd .com .cpl .crt .csh .exe .fxp .hlp .hta .inf .ins
.isp .its .js .jse .ksh .lnk .mad .maf .mag .mam .maq
.mar .mas .mat .mau .mav .maw .mda .mdb .mde .mdt .mdw
.mdz .msc .msi .msp .mst .ocx .ops .pcd .pif .prf .prg
.pst .reg .scf .scr .sct .shb .shs .tmp .url .vb .vbe
.vbs .vsmacros .vss .vst .vsw .wmf .ws .wsc .wsf .wsh .zi
CLSID (e.g. file.jpg.{12345-1235-abe8-hwhwh}) extension
- Zip archive with first file having extensions:
.exe .js
- File types:
Single/double/triple Base64 encoded Windows executable.
The following URLs are references on why certain attachments should be rejected:
Most Emails that we reject based on these policies (> 99%) are viruses.
Here are some strategies to cope if you are sending something useful:
- First of all, ask yourself if it is really necessary to transfer
this file type? Many Email users can either refer to an official site
to download executables, or offer a suitable channel for distribution
without resorting to attaching it to an Email.
- post it to a website and refer to it.
- post it to a FTP site and refer to it.
- some data may be inlined directly into mail (e.g. URLs).
Here are some steps you can take if your Email cannot be delivered. It is helpful when
reporting problems to include the error messages you received from our mail server as to the
reason why your Email was rejected: it greatly speeds up the resolution of your problem.
- Contact the IT staff using the
MathNet User Services: IT Submission Form
Don't forget to leave contact information in case we need to
reply to your complaint.
- Email to this address:
falsepositive @ math . ubc . ca
This address is exempt from most block rules, but messages must be directed
solely to this address, otherwise the exemption may not apply. Also, it won't work
if your entire network is being blocked; use the other methods instead.
- Contact the IT staff by phone or in person:
UBC Mathematics IT Support Staff
Office: MATH222B
Phone: 604-822-6621
- Send your Email using another Email account, or from another network.