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UBC Mathematics: MathNet FAQ [Print Quotas]

UBC Mathematics: MathNet FAQ [Print Quotas]

Question: Are there any print quotas or printing restrictions/guidelines?
Author: Joseph Tam
Date: Jan. 8, 2007

There may be size restrictions on individual print jobs, but there are no user page quotas. However, this is not a carte blache for you to print with regard for economy. The Department encourages the efficient use of public resources, and the cost of supplying paper and toner is significant; please be ecomomical in your use of printing.

Here are some tips to use our printing resources in a responsible manner:

  1. If the printer malfunctions (such as a paper jam), don't just shrug your shoulders and walk away. If you can't correct the situation, contact the IT staff. The problem can then be fixed quickly so that it can be used by someone else.

  2. Pick up your printouts promptly: abandoned print jobs are a waste of resources. Some unclaimed printouts are a result of users mistakenly sending it to the wrong printer; if your printout didn;t come out, double check which printer you sent it to.

    Also, if your print job has used up the remaining paper, printing will stall until the paper tray is re-filled. If you pick up your printouts promptly, you can discover this condition immediately and re-fill the paper tray. If you don't do it, someone else will have to, and to add insult to injury, they will have to wait for all the queued print jobs (including yours) to complete before they get their printout. Don't be a putz, get your printout as soon as you send it to the printer.

    Getting your printout promptly also limits the damage of a runaway print jobs i.e. garbage output. Runaway print jobs are usually the result of sending file of an unsuitable format (DVI, binaries, etc) to the printer. If you don't know how to deal with a runaway print job, turn the printer off and contact IT staff immediately.

  3. Don't use the printer to make multiple copies, use the photocopier instead; that's what it's for.

  4. Don't make harcopies if you don't have to: read online version of manuals, etc.

  5. If you have to print a large document, try breaking it up into smaller chunks (e.g. print one chapter at a time) so that others can sneak print jobs in. If your print job does have a problem, it will limit the waste.

  6. If possible, make use of the duplex option on the public printers which will cut paper usage in half. You can also use it in conjunction with 2-up printing (print 2 pages on each side) which will further reduce paper use.

Following these tips will save a lot of paper, toner, maintenance (=money) and will ease some frayed nerves If the use of printing resources becomes unreasonable, then quotas may have to be installed. This will incur much administrative and user hassles, so it is in everybody's best interest to use the printing resources in a considerate manner.