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UBC Mathematics: MathNet FAQ [Anonymous Upload Nextcloud/ownCloud]
UBC Mathematics: MathNet FAQ [Nextcloud/ownCloud Usage]
Question: How do I use use Nextcloud/ownCloud to share, receive, or distribute files?
Date: 2022-12-21
Logging in to ownCloud
Access data shared with you
MathNet users may share their data with you in one of these two ways:
- Share link: this is a URL that you can access via a web browser,
which you can access folders and files. The owner of these
files can set up which operations (read, update, etc.) are
allowed. Anyone with knowledge of this URL can access the
data, so if the information is confidential, treat the URL
like a password.
- ownCloud access: you need to log in to ownCloud in order to access
the data. It ought to be placed in the "Shared" folder, or in
the sidebar menu under "Shared with you".
Sharing out files
You'll first have to upload or create files and folders you want to share.
If you have a broad collection of data, it's useful to collect them all
into one folder. Once you have populated the data, you can use one of
two method to share that data out:
- Share link: this is a URL that others can use to access your data
via a web browser.
Only knowledge of the link is needed, although you can also add
a password as well. This method is useful when the people you
are sharing with are not MathNet users. If you are sharing with
another MathNet user, or a particular group (e.g. graduate
students), it's safer to use the next method. To use this
- Click share icon beside item you want to share out.
- Check "Share link" checkbox.
- The share URL is listed: you can cut&paste this and distribute
it to those you want to share the data with. Other options are:
allow editing (allow other people to be able to update/delete your
data), hide file listing (do not show current content shared folder),
password protect (set password to access data), set expiration time
(invalidate URL after a certain data), and an Email field to send
a share notice to.
which you can access folders and files. The owner of these
files can set up which operations (read, update, etc.) are
allowed. Anyone with knowledge of this URL can access the
data, so if the information is confidential, treat the URL
like a password.
- ownCloud access: the person you're sharing with needs to have
a MathNet account in order to access your data using this method. This
method is safer for department user access. To use this:
- Click share icon beside item you want to share out.
- Type in the user or name of those you want to share with.
(The application will try to auto-complete your entry.)
- After selecting the person you want to share with, you can
limit how that person can access it: allow them to be able to
re-share it, allow them to create/change/delete items).
- You can revoke sharing by pressing the delete (trashcan icon)
beside the person. You can also notify them via Email you
shave shared an iten with them using the checkbox "notify
by email".
Create drop folder
A drop folder is a folder that allows anyone to dump files into it so that you
can retrieve it. It's useful when the data you solicit comes from many sources,
and if the data is too bulky to send by Email attachments.
- Log in to ownCloud
- Create folder to receive files
- Share this folder using "Share link" with the following options
[x] Allow editing
[x] Hide file listing
[optional] password protect
[optional] set expiration date
Cut and paste the link and publish it. As with any public submission,
you should guard against abuse:
- malicious data: malware
- denial of service: some maliciously or inadvertently fills up your
usage quota (typically set to 10Gb) preventing you/others from storing
more data.
- misattribution: there's no real way to figure out the identity of
who uploaded the data. You'll need to develop a method to to this
if identity of uloader is important (e.g. filename only submitter should know).
Filename collisions are handled automatically.
- Typical storage limit is 10Gb.
- If you need more storage, make a request from the MathNet IT
staff, or use UBC OneDrive, which can accommodate more storage.
(You'll need a CWL FASmail account to provision OneDrive.) See
FAQ item "How do i get UBC MS OneDrive?"
for more information.
- Desktop clients are available can also be used to sync files
from a user laptop or workstation with your ownCloud storage.
(This is similar to Dropbox.) They are avilable here
- Nomclemature: "Nextcloud:" and "ownCloud" are used interchangeably,
but the former is the actual, and more accurate, system being used. It
is a fork of the original system named "ownCloud".