Question: What happens to my account when I leave?
Author: Joseph Tam
Date: Nov. 3, 2010
When are you considered gone?
Your computer account is a privilege of your membership with this
department, so when you have officially ended your stay here, your account
will be deactivated. The reasons for departure is typically graduation,
reaching the end of a research or teaching appointment, resignation of
employment, retirement, or some other reason. Faculty retain the use
of their accounts if they become an emeritus.
The IT staff usually get notice of a departure by an administrative
staff member who oversees a particular personnel group; sometimes the
departure date is stated on the computer account application. Once the
IT staff get notice of a departure, the IT staff will issue an Email
notice to the account owner that their account is slated for removal.
It is important that the IT staff be made aware of any changes
or errors regarding departure date. If you receive an erroneous
notice that your account is being deactivated, contact the IT staff
What happens when your account is taken offline?
The following computer privileges will be revoked upon your departure:
- Authentication: any authenticated services (i.e.
you supply a username and password) such as interactive logins,
remote mail services, authenticated web services (e.g. WebMail,
MathNet User Services, Internal Website, etc.) will not be
- File storage: your personal data will be archived.
This includes private data such as your Email messages, personal
web pages, SVN data, etc. (See below on how to retrieve archives
after your departure.)
- DHCP/DNS registration: any laptops or computers
registered to you will be de-registered, and will not be
recognized as having network privileges.
- Personnel listing: a notice will be
sent to the office to remove your entry from the Department
Personnel directory.
Transitional services we offer?
We offer the following transitional services for ex-department members.
File archival: data stored on our storage device
(which includes your Unix home directory, the "Common" folder on
our public Windows workstation, your web folder, your personal
Email messages, etc.) are archived. This can be made available
to you for download after your account is taken offline.
Please notify the IT staff that you want this service, and
instructions will be sent to you on how to download your
If access to your personal data is required immediately after
the account is taken offline, you should make copies of your
data to personal storage devices (e.g. laptop, thumb drive).
When you have settled at your new location, you can Email the
IT staff for instructions as to how to retrieve your archived
data. You may also elect to migrate some of your data to a new
location before your account is taken offline.
- Email forwarding: messages sent to your former Email
address can be forwarded to another Email address. If you've set
up your own Email forwarding, it will cease to work after your
account is archived; you should arrange forwarding with the IT
staff before your account is deactivated to ensure continuity
of service. Forwarding will stay active for one year to give
you enough time to update your correspondees and mailing list
subscriptions to your new address.
- Web forwarding: access to your personal web URL
can be redirected to a new URL. As with Email forwarding. you
should arrange this prior to your account deactivation to ensure
continuity of service.