UBC Probability seminar, 2014-2015
ESB 2012
Wednesdays, 3–4pm
Past Talks
May 13
Arjun Krishnan
(University of Utah)
Fluctuations for polymer models in intermediate disorder
March 11
Matthew Junge
(University of Washington)
The frog model on trees
March 4
Qingsan Zhu
(University of British Columbia)
An upper bound for the probability of visiting a distant point by critical branching random walk in $Z^4$
Feb. 25
Gordon Slade
(University of British Columbia)
A new proof of the sharpness of the percolation phase transition
Jan. 29
Camelia Pop
(U. of Pennsylvania)
Harnack inequalities for degenerate diffusions
Jan. 15
Georg Menz
(Stanford University)
A two scale proof of the Eyring-Kramers formula
Jan. 13
Joe Neeman
(UT Austin)
Gaussian noise stability
Jan. 8
Roland Bauerschmidt
(Harvard University)
Specific heat of 4D spin models
Jan. 6
Elliot Paquette
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
Stationary random graphs and the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation
Nov. 26
Stefan Adams
(Warwick University)
Phase Transitions in Continuum Delaunay Potts Models
Nov. 19
Mathav Murugan
(Cornell University)
Random walks on metric measure spaces
Nov. 12
Martin Barlow
The uniform spanning tree in two dimensions and its scaling limit
Nov. 5
Tom Salisbury
(York University)
Random walk in non-elliptic random environments
Oct. 29
Júlia Komjáthy
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
Degree distribution of shortest path trees and bias in network sampling algorithms
Oct. 22
Tom Hutchcroft
Unimodular hyperbolic triangulations
Oct. 15
Paul Tupper
(Simon Fraser University)
Modelling and simulating systems with state-dependent diffusion
Oct. 1
Xinghua Zheng
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Solving the high-dimensional Markowitz Optimization Problem: a tale of sparse solutions
Sep. 24
Takashi Kumagai
(Kyoto University)
Quenched Invariance Principle for a class of random conductance models with long-range jumps
Sep. 10
Akira Sakai
(Hokkaido University)
Critical two-point function for the \(\varphi^4\) model in dimensions \(d>4\)
Sep. 10
Agelos Georgakopoulos
(University of Warwick)
Group walk random graphs
Sep. 3
Codina Cotar
(University College London)
Gradient Gibbs measures with disorder
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UBC Probability group
Spring 2015:
Anna Levit
Fall 2014:
Tim Hulshof