UBC Probability seminar


Location: ESB 4127
Time: Wednesdays, 3:00–4:00pm

Youtube channel (zoom talks)

Upcoming Talks

November 27 Tom Hutchcroft (Caltech)
The scaling limit of high-dimensional percolation
November 20 Nikita Gladkov (UCLA)
The Bunkbed Conjecture is False

Past Talks

November 13
Reading week
November 6 Behrang Forghani (College of Charleston)
Harmonic measures and Poisson boundaries
October 30 Mathav Murugan (UBC)
Diffusions and random walks with prescribed sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates
October 23 (room changed to ESB4133!) Johannes Baeumler (UCLA)
A (dis)continuous percolation phase transition on the hierarchical lattice
October 16 Giuseppe Genovese (UBC)
Pattern retrieval in the Hopfield model
October 9 Milind Hegde (Columbia University)
The scaling limit of the colored asymmetric simple exclusion process
October 2 Zachary Selk (Queen's University)
Stochastic Calculus for the Theta Process
September 25 Jacopo Borga (MIT)
Lattice Yang-Mills theory in the large N limit as a sum over surfaces
September 18 Kesav Krishnan (University of Victoria)
Uniqueness and CLT for the ground state Disordered Monomer-Dimer Model on Z^d
September 11
No seminar
September 4 Sayan Das (University of Chicago)
Large Deviation Principle for the Directed Landscape

Return to UBC Probability group
Organizer: 2024–’25: Petr Kosenko
2023–’24 | 2022–’23 | 2021–’22 | 2020–’21 
2019–’20 | 2018–’19 | 2017–’18 | 2016–’17
2015–’16 | 2014–’15 | 2013–’14 | 2011–’12
2012–’13 | 2010–’11 | 2009–’10 | 2008–’09