UBC Probability seminar


Location: ESB 4127
Time: Wednesdays, 3:15–4:15

Youtube channel (zoom talks)

Upcoming Talks

May 13 (unusual time + location!!!) Augustin Lafay (Aalto University)
Web models as a generalization of O(N) loop models

Past Talks

April 10 Alexander Zimin (MIT)
Inequalities in Graph Percolation
April 3 Duncan Dauvergne (University of Toronto)
The directed landscape from Brownian motion
March 27 Omer Tamuz (Caltech)
On the origin of the Boltzmann distribution
March 20 Inhyeok Choi (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Random walks, superlinear divergence and quasi-isometry
March 13 Giulio Tiozzo (University of Toronto)
Roots of Alexander polynomials of random positive braids
March 6 Mathav Murugan (UBC)
Boundary trace of reflected diffusions
February 28 N/A
February 22 (unusual time!) Jeffrey Rosenthal (University of Toronto)
Speeding up Metropolis using Theorems
February 14 Naotaka Kajino (Kyoto University)
On singularity of p-energy measures among distinct values of p for some p.-c.f. self-similar sets
February 7 Eric Foxall (UBC Okanagan)
Some uses of ordered representations in finite-population exchangeable ancestry models
January 24 Mark Holmes (The University of Melbourne)
Non-backtracking reinforced random walks
December 6 Yinon Spinka (UBC)
Finitary isomorphisms in high dimensions
November 29 Raghav Tripathi (University of Washington)
Gradient flow on graphs via Metropolis
November 22 Yucheng Liu (UBC)
Gaussian deconvolution and the lace expansion
November 8 Mathav Murugan (UBC)
Heat kernel for reflected diffusion and extension property on uniform domains
November 1 Omer Angel (UBC)
Branching annihilating Brownian motions
October 25 N/A
October 18 Philip Easo (Caltech)
The critical percolation probability is local
October 11 Matthew Dickson (UBC)
High-dimension expansion of the critical intensity of the random connection model
September 27 Serte Donderwinkel (McGill University)
Random trees are short (but not too short)
September 20 Petr Kosenko (UBC)
Harmonic Measures of Random Walks on Fuchsian Groups
September 13 Tyler Helmuth (Durham University)
Directed Spatial Permutations on Asymmetric Tori

Return to UBC Probability group
Organizer: 2023–’24: Petr Kosenko
2022–’23 | 2021–’22 | 2020–’21 
2019–’20 | 2018–’19 | 2017–’18 | 2016–’17
2015–’16 | 2014–’15 | 2013–’14 | 2011–’12
2012–’13 | 2010–’11 | 2009–’10 | 2008–’09